Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ethiopia Update

Things are a little slow in Ethiopia right now. The Ethiopian Courts have been working to safe guard the Ethiopian Adoption Process. As of last week, a large group of children being processed in the courts for adoption finalization were listed as "abandoned". This prompted the courts to cease hearing cases involving children listed as "abandoned in Addis Ababa". The court is not failing these cases necessarily, it is simply investigating this issue right now. The court has so far not given any information as to how long this process will take. There is a possibility for some court dates to be delayed. Children abandoned in other areas of Ethiopia are still having their cases heard, as are children relinquished by family members and children orphaned for other reasons such as deaths of the mother and father.

But our agency has great news! They have 15 children/infants that they are working on getting ready to refer to families! That is a lot of children at one time. Usually we are lucky to hear of one or two a month. We still have awhile to wait, we probably have about 20 families ahead of us after the current referrals are made and at least four of those families are also waiting for two children.

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